Marina Boat Registration In The Philippines

  1. Legal Compliance: Registering your boat grants you the freedom to visit various ports across the Philippines and international waters. Without proper registration, moving your vessel could lead to impoundment and investigation.

  2. Amnesty Extension: The amnesty period has been extended until October 2024, offering tax-free registration for those who arrived in 2019 or earlier.

  3. MARINA will issue two certificates: a Certificate of Ownership and a Recreational Boat Certificate, both of which authenticate your ownership.

  1. We will help you to acquire all necessary requirements.

  2. Hassle-free arrangement.

  3. Experts on duty.

Contact Us If you’re ready to get started with boat registration or have questions about the process. We’ll be happy to provide you with the requirements and assist you in making sure your boat is properly registered. Email: 

Your boat’s registration is not just a legal requirement; it’s a crucial step in ensuring the safety and legality of your vessel. Let EFR Subic be your partner in the boat registration process, so you can enjoy peace of mind on the water.